Phone Radiation Protection Made Easy For You

Try this experiment. Keep a paper clip right where you hold the cell phone to your ear. Cell phones emit microwave radiation, just like portable phones. Here’s what you can do to protect yourself rather than getting rid of your cell phone:

1. First, check the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) of your phone. You can do this by going to the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) website. This rating will specify how much heat your body is absorbing from the gadget. The rating will only specify the amount of heat absorbed when the phone is at your ear, not when it’s in your body or lying anywhere around you.

2. Check the fine print that comes with your phone. The fine print will suggest how far the device is supposed to be kept from your body. Some cell phones cannot be carried or held less than inch away from your body. The company is not responsible if you get sick while using the device as they have warned you.

3. When you do the paper clip test, the phones on which the paper clip does not stick near where you hold the phone close to your ear is best for you. Use a phone that has best shielding.

4. Try an avoid keeping the phone on your body. Do not keep in the pocket of your clothing. This might affect your reproductive organs, so keep it away from them. Wear it in a holster; you can clip it on your belt. You can keep the device in your purse or bag.

5. Children are more susceptible to brain tumors than adults. Their skull is delicate and can be harmed by the radiation easily. Buy a Bluetooth earpiece so that you can avoid keeping the cell phone close to your ear.

6. Use the phone as minimum as possible. It isn’t important to be on the phone all the time. You can avoid using the phone when in a bank line or at a grocery store. Try and avoid chatting on the phone when driving. Slowly you will get into the habit of using your phone less and thereby reduce the dangers of the radiation.

7. Use a headset or the speaker phone to limit the exposure to radiation. Keep the phone at least 2 inches away from your head. Four inches is even better.

8. Install devices that can block the EMR emissions. These devices may not block all emissions but it is important to take some caution.

By protecting ourselves, and teaching our children to protect themselves, hopefully we’ll be able to start a trend whereby people will begin to learn and understand more about cell phones and the dangers they pose. Visit the cell phone safety tips [] website today to learn more about prevention to help protect yourself & your kids

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